+27 (0)14 592 8322 | +27 (0)79 699 5712 mariusfisio@mweb.co.za
255A Beyers Naudé Dr,
Rustenburg, 0299
Tel: +27 (0)14 592 8322
P.O.Box 21533
Protea Park
Netcare Ferncrest/Life
Tel: +27 (0)14 592 8322

Ankle Strengthening




1 - Active movement

a. Footpumps
          1. Keep your knee still.
          2. Move your foot up and down.
b. ABC
          1. Write out the alphabet with your foot.
          2. Make sure to keep your knee still.


2 - Theraband exercises

a. Plantar flexion
          1. Hold the theraband around your foot.
          2. Push your foot down against the theraband.
          3. Make sure your knee does not move.
b. Inversion
          1. Hold the theraband around your foot.
          2. Moving at the ankle pull your foot inwards (toward the other foot) against the theraband.
          3. Make sure your leg does not move.
c. Eversion
          1. Put the theraband around both your feet.
          2. Moving at the ankle push the operated foot outwards against the theraband.
d. Dorsiflexion
          1. Tie the theraband infront of you.
          2. Pull your foot up towards your body against the theraband.


3 - Stability

a. One leg balance
          1. Stand on your healthy leg. Keep your eyes open. Attempt to keep your balance for 1 minute.Repeat 3 times.
          2. Now stand on your painfull leg. Keep your eyes open. Attempt to keep your balance for 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.
          3. Repeat steps 1-2 with your eyes closed.
b. Excersise Mat/Half balls
          1. Stand with both legs evenly spaced on the exercise mat. Keep your eyes open. Attempt to keep your balance for 1 minute. Repeat 3                    times.
          2. Stand with your healthy leg on the exercise mat. Keep your eyes open. Attempt to keep your balance for 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.
          3. Now stand with your painfull leg on the exercise mat Keep your eyes open. Attempt to keep your balance for 1 minute. Repeat 3                          times.
          4. Repeat steps 1-3 with your eyes closed.
          5. Then repeat steps 1-3 while trying to throw/catch a ball.
c. Balance Board
          1. Repeat/progress the same as with b) exercise mats.
d. Trampoline
          1. Repeat/progress the same as with b) exercise mats and c) balance boards.
e. Rhythmic stabilisation
          1. While standing on the balance board or mats.
          2. Loop the theraband around your waist.
          3. Try to keep your position while your therapist/partner tries to pull you sideways, backwards or forwards by pulling gently on the                          theraband.


4 - Calf raises

a. Floor
          1. Stand with your knees slightly bent.
          2. Push up on your toes.
          3. Slowly lower your heels.
          4. Once this is comfortable try with one leg.
b. Step
          1. Stand with your knees slightly bent.
          2. Push up on your toes.
          3. Slowly lower your heels upto 90°.
          4. Once this is comfortable try with one leg


5 - Hopping both legs

a. Forward
          1. Stand steady on both legs. Find your balance.
          2. Jump slightly forward.
          3. Make sure to land with your knees slightly bent.
b. Backwards
          1. Stand steady on both legs. Find your balance.
          2. Jump slightly backwards.
          3. Make sure to land with your knees slightly bent.
c. Sideways
          1. Stand steady on both legs. Find your balance.
          2. Jump slightly sideways.
          3. Make sure to land with your knees slightly bent.


6 - One leg hop

a. When you are able to comfortably hop on both legs, repeat steps as above first on your healthy leg and then on the painful leg.
b. Start this exercise in a pool and then progress onto dry land.
c. Always remember that this exercise should not cause any pain.


7 - Wall squats

a. Stand against a wall.
b. Flatten your back.
c. Slide down the wall bending your knees up to 90°.
d. Remember to keep your knees in line with your toes.
e. Most of your weight should be on your heels, ie behind your knees.
f. When this is comfortable move away from the wall. Start with holding onto a stable surface for balance.


8 - Lunge

a. Stand with your feet together.
b. Step backwards with your operated leg.
c. Bend the knees slightly.
d. Return to starting position.
e. Now try stepping forward with your operated leg. Remember to not let your knee go passed your toes or fall inwards.
f. Then try stepping sideways or at angles.

(Download the complete hospital exercise guidelines document)