+27 (0)14 592 8322 | +27 (0)79 699 5712 mariusfisio@mweb.co.za

Techniques & Treatments

At Marius de Bruyn Physio, we use various treatments and techniques at our Physiotherapy Practice.

We offer various techniques and treatments, making sure it’s best suited for your individual needs.

Traditional physiotherapy

We use ultrasound, laser and various other electrotherapy  modalities, as well as heat and cold for sprains, strains, tears, ruptures, haematoma, swelling, bruising etc.

Manual therapy

We use manual mobilization, manipulation and release techniques for joints, vertebrae, the pelvis, muscle tissue, neural tissue, connective tissue, scar tissue and sometimes even to treat deeper structures like the diaphragm or pelvic floor.

Acupuncture needles

We use acupuncture needles often to treat many different painful conditions like headaches, neck ache, backache, muscle spasm and also in some cases to treat scar tissue and sinusitis.


We use stretching, strengthening, core-stability, joint-stability, proprioceptive postural and various other types of exercises for those interested as soon as our clients have 70-80% improvement of their conditions. This helps sustain long-term treatment results and prevents recurrence of problems. We also like referring clients to biokineticists for final rehabilitation where more serious gym equipment is required.

Muscle Energy Techniques

Traditionally these techniques have been used by osteopaths. By understanding the way that muscles and nerves function through complex reflexes, we can achieve muscle relaxation by gently resisting certain movements and then release strain on desired areas of the skeletal system. These techniques are especially helpful to treat the lower back, neck and pelvis.


Yes we also use the multi-colour strapping that all the sports people are using these days, but we  also use more traditional ways of strapping when a person requires better stability and protection of a joint due to a sprain or ligament injury.


Although we do not prescribe medication we respect the correct use of medicines as prescribed by your doctor or specialist. We believe that our treatment often enhances the efficiency of medication and that the medication in return often makes our treatment easier.

Home advice and ergonomics

Very often certain problems will not get better unless we change our posture, habits, lifestyle, chair, bed, pillow etc. If and where appropriate, we try to best advise people on those tiny little things that so often can make a big difference.

Get in Touch

+27 (0)14 592 8322



Open Hours

Mon - Fri — 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturdays & Sunday — Closed